7 Ways to Bring Back to the Office What You’ve Learned at a Conference

Going to a conference is always exciting and inspiring. Speakers will share tons of ideas and attendees will often finish the day feeling ready to try a lot of new things. That’s at least how I feel after attending a conference – but applying these new ideas doesn’t always work as expected.

After attending many conferences during the last couple of years and sometimes getting drowned in a massive list of ideas, I decided to take some steps to bring this initial excitement and fresh ideas back to the office.

Gus Pelogia is an SEO specialist at Mediavest Ireland. Currently, he writes for State of Digital and Diário de Palco, a music blog which started out as a book in 2009. He was born in Brazil, however also lived in Buenos Aires, Amsterdam and currently is based in Dublin.

This post appeared on Learn Inbound. Their goal, “is to use our digital marketing training and workshops to provide you with advanced tips, tactics, and strategies from leading industry experts that will guide you to the next level.”