
A Word from The Design Department

Paul: It’s been nearly a year.
Doc: No it hasn’t.
Paul: It has.
Doc: checks

So it’s been nearly a year since I put fingers to keyboard for this blog. Shocking? Yes. Inexcusable? Probably. But the excuses are awesome, including having taken delivery of a tiny human along the way—who by-the-by has more hair than me already—I’ll tell you all about the rest over a glass of house red some time.

What I will say is that looking back, the last year has been pretty turbulent. The Design Dept. said goodbye to it’s first (and only) full-time employee who departed our shores to Kickstart his career in the good ol’ US of A.

With all the will in the world there is a limit to how much a small, bootstrapped team can get done. Pressure builds and inevitably I let the design side of things begin to slide while we focused on bug fixes, new features and customer development.

However, we eventually managed to wrestle some time from busy freelancer extraordinaire Peter McDonagh who has done an amazing job at giving Tito a fresh design injection.

If you’ve logged into Tito recently you’ll notice a fairly hefty revamp of most of the internal admin screens. I’ll dive into some detail in a later post, but we finally have the makings of the interface we always wanted—lots of improvements to be made of course, but we feel it’s a fantastic start.

You’ll also notice a refresh of the blog—in all honestly, the old design was probably one of the reasons I wasn’t rushing back here to write. Anyway, we now have a typographically beautiful platform on which to pen our words. A massive, massive thanks to Jake Giltsoff for creating Sassline which has done all of the heavy lifting.

The blog also gives a few design hints as to what’s coming next. There’s a lot in the pipeline, so I’ll leave you for now and promise to come back soon. There’s a hungry baby to feed and perhaps a house red to sip in celebration of a long awaited press of the publish button.