Changelog: Commit message quality control edition

It has been almost eight months since our last changelog post, too long and with things not so fresh in my mind I have been going through our commit logs to remind me what changes have been made.

But first, after reviewing eight months of commit logs I spotted some quality commit messages that got past our QA department. Authors who will remain nameless, you know who you are 😉 The most descriptive commit message award has to be given to “see if this is better”, the most confusing award goes to “unescape tennis”, the most worrying for “no idea” and the best intentions but otherwise useless goes to “making Paul happy”. The overall winner had to be “oops #pantsdown”. (Sorry)

Anyway here a list of some of the smaller changes we have been making. For the bigger changes and new features stay posted, updates are coming soon.

  • Introduced a new file question type so files can be attached to tickets.
  • Interested people can now be imported in bulk.
  • Tickets can be now be duplicated.
  • iCalendar (.ics) files are now attached to ticket emails.
  • Added the ability to embed Wistia videos on event pages to go with YouTube, Vimeo and a couple of others.
  • Organised and added more detailed descriptions of the settings in the Customise section.
  • Added Foursquare support for event venues.
  • Fixed the “Contact the organizer” mailto link which wasn’t working in Chrome.
  • Imports can now contain UTF-8 characters.
  • Reworked our import pages to give a better indication of their progress.
  • Added support for .xsls imports.
  • Added country name to ticket webhook requests.
  • Added progress indicators for Excel, Pdf, Zip file exports.
  • Fixed Excel exports so phone numbers would be handled correctly.
  • Added the ability to export CSV/Excel versions of receipts.
  • Moved the currency symbol from every row to just the header row in exports.
  • The refund type e.g. logged in Tito only or logged and processed is now included in the Orders export.
  • Fixed some registration fields and checkbox question fields which were not being highlighted correctly when left unanswered.
  • Fixed the used discount quantity on zero value discount codes and discount codes applied to free tickets.
  • The ordering of questions when they are attached to both Tickets and Activities can now be controlled.
  • Add filters to find expired waitlist offers and to find used or unused discount codes.
  • Fixed a bug in the 24 hour summary email where the event totals was being counted up to the time the email was sent instead of up to the end of the previous day.
  • Added a setting to control the title/description of links to your event when they are posted on Twitter, Facebook or Slack.
  • Updated the public timeline of events page.
  • Added Tito fees VAT to the figures on the Reports screen.
  • Introduced a setting to prevent event pages being added to search engines.