Some more tweaks

  • Webhooks now fire in serial, so if multiple hooks for the same registration or ticket fire together, they’ll be sent to your web service in the order they were fired. Bam, bam, bam.
  • It’s the teeniest of tiniest updates, but what’s a changelog without those? Country select fields on tickets now display as a Selectize select, with type to search. Payment forms have had this for a while, so it’s just a catch-up tweak.
  • If we supported multiple languages (do we? don’t we?), then if the customer placed an order in one language, and then assigned a ticket to a colleague, then the ticket will show by default in the language it was ordered in.
  • When you connect a Stripe account, the Business Name of the Stripe account will show up. This will save a LOT of future confusion if you connect multiple Stripe accounts under the same email address.