
4 Events in January 2019 to Interest Even the Most Niche Technologist

New year, new ambitions, new people to meet, and places to see.

Some people feel like January lasts as long as three months. Between the come-down from the cheer of holiday events and the prospect of cold and dark afternoons, let alone nights, January can be a bit of a drag.

One good way to make hump month hurry up is to break up your weeks by trying new things. Though maybe not in a Ross Gellar buys leather pants way.

As such, I’ve put together this round-up of events taking place this January to get anyone in the technology sector back on track by inspiring them and bringing some interesting new people into their lives.

Let’s begin then, shall we?


You might be guilty as I certainly was in thinking that SalesTO is a sales conference. Similarly, you might be correct (as I was) in that assumption, but hear me out.

SalesTO (presented by TechToronto) is aligned specifically to help technologists sell things, since selling things is a pretty key component of growing your business.

While that might all seem a bit niche, the speakers re-emphasise what the organisers are offering. In January, the 3 hour mini-event will see the VP of Sales and Marketing at #paid, the VP of Enterprise Sales at Intelex, and the Chief Revenue Officer at Coconut Software take the stage to discuss the featured topic of “The Journey to Scaling Sales.”


SalesTO logo


If you can’t make the January instalment, there’ll be additional events in both March and May so if you’d like to see how those line-ups evolve, simply click here.

Date: January 23rd, 2019.

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Tickets: C$30 available on the SalesTO website.


TechToronto are a busy bunch, both in January and for the remainder of the year. As well as SalesTO, they host a bundle of other events. Namely; MarketingTO, HealthTO, TravelTechTO, RetailTO, and the one we’ll be talking about here, FintechTO. 

Given the complexity of the offerings, we thought it would be remiss to leave out the sister events of our first feature, so let’s dive into it. As the name would suggest, this iteration is all about financial technology.


FintechTO logo


The people who come together at this event are a community of innovators who enjoy candid conversations and laid-back networking. Those in attendance will get to see talks from FinTech professionals such as Jared Gordon, head of financial services at TribalSchale, and Jeremy Black, CEO at Every.

Like SalesTO, this event will have be replicated (though with a different line-up) in both March and May.

Date: January 23, 2019.

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Tickets: C$30 available on the FinTechTO website.

Women in AI Dinner

Touted as the #1 best artificial intelligence conference for business leaders in 2018, the Re-Work team have earned a reputation for themselves, and they aren’t going away any time soon.

Boasting a champagne reception and three courses, the Women in AI Dinner they’ll be putting on in San Francisco is sure to be a marvellous hit with their 70 attendees.

The evening will focus on discussion and networking around the progress and application of AI. Furthermore, the diners will be treated to a presentation by Julie Pitt, machine learning infrastructure director at Netflix.




There’s only 12 tickets left at time of writing, though, so act quickly if you’re in the SF area.

Date: January 22nd, 2019.

Location: San Francisco, USA

Tickets: Ranging from $95 to $150. Available here.

DXN Birthday Special Event

Design Exchange Nottingham (or “DXN”) is aiming to enrich and inspire Nottingham’s digital design community. Organised by the good folks at JH, a digital design agency, DXN is a regular host to insightful talks from great UX and front-end speakers.

This January, they’ll be having a birthday party to celebrate their third year of bringing designers together.

Full details are available on the site, as well as some teasers about surprised they have in store.

Date: January 23rd, 2019.

Location: Nottingham, UK.

Tickets: Are free!

If you have any additions of events you’re looking forward to this January, we’d love to hear all about them. Simply pen a line to marketing [at] tito [dot] io.