
5 Marketing Events that are Genuinely Worth Attending in 2019

Marketing changes pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss an important SEO update. 

– Not Ferris Bueller

Going to marketing events can be the biggest waste of time. 

The kinds of events where the keynote speaker gets on stage to sell you a CMS or a CRM or a pile of CRAP are the waste-of-time ones and, trust me, I’ve been there. 

The kinds of events where the team comes from the industry, respects the precious time marketers are taking to be with them, and can find speakers who not only know about marketing, but who can teach people about marketing, are the ones you want to go to. 

As such, I wanted to take today to share some of the most commended, intriguing, and just downright worthwhile marketing events we work with at Tito. Whether they give you inspiration for your own event, or an insight into what’s worth adding to your calendar for 2019, enjoy.

Learn Inbound 2019

As the self-described place “where marketers go to thrive” its audiences have come to expect a lot from Learn Inbound over the years. The conference is multi-faceted and caters for most disciplines under the marketing umbrella, including SEO, PPC, CRO, Analytics, PR, Content Marketing, and Growth Marketing.

learn inbound logo

Curated by Mark Scully, previous speakers have included the wonderful Oli Gardner from Unbounce, and Brittney Muller from Moz. 

The most remarkable thing about the team behind Learn Inbound, though, is their commitment to improving the experience year on year, whether that takes the form of adding an extra day to the conference, or making a strong commitment to actionable enforcement of their Code of Conduct

If you can’t wait until August, Mark and his team also provide professional workshops like their advanced Google Analytics course on June 28th, and others besides.

You can sign up for updates about the conference on their website

Date: 15th & 16th August, 2019.

Tickets: As yet unavailable, but keep an eye on the website as we mentioned. 

MarketingTO 2019

It’s great to meet people who have the same day-to-day tasks and challenges at you have; it’s one of the biggest thrills of going to industry events. MarketingTO aims to take that a step further by intermingling different but related departments together at their annual conference.

As well as the expected marketing professionals, attendees can expect to meet delegates from the worlds of advertising and technology. 

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The format will be as diverse as the crowd because, alongside the usual keynotes and presentations, MarketingTO will also showcase panels, demos, showcases, and a community open mic. 

Date: February 25th, 2019.

Tickets: C$20 for early birds. 

NYK Chicago

While you, like I did, might assume that NYK stands for “New York… K… something”, you’d be wrong. Now You Know Chicago (or NYK for short) is a now-annual event hosted by the brand and data analytics group, Brandwatch

Here’s what happened at their 2018 edition:

As mentioned, the atmosphere and limited number of attendees provides a welcomed opportunity to truly mingle with peers and discuss anything from hashtags to lanyards. 

I can also personally vouch for their choice of location (Chicago) after our experience at Admission, if the myriad testimonials in their wrap-up video aren’t enough for you. 

Come December 1st, there’s the option to purchase a ticket for the conference, a masterclass half-day ticket, or both. This is an event for leaders in social, and one that will sell out quickly, so it’s advisable to add this to your calendar asap.

Dates: May 8th-10th, 2019.

Tickets: On sale December 1st at 12pm UTC.

Content Marketing Summit New York

Much as there’s a certain delight in being able to have intimate conversations with bright peers, so too is there a thrill from getting to be at the epicentre of your industry at one of the big conferences on your industry’s horizon. 

Enter: the Innovation Enterprise’s Content Marketing Summit.

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To give you an idea of the scale and prestige of this conference, some of the previous standout speakers have included the Head of Content for General Assembly, the SVP of Marketing at Nickelodeon, and the Content Manager for The Associated Press. Details of this year’s line-up will be publicised closer to the time of the conference.

Furthermore, the content available throughout the two days of the conference gives a pretty good overview of marketing remits. It covers everything you can think of from extending customer lifetime value to personalisation, tracking, and attribution. 

Dates: February 12th & 13th, 2019.

Tickets: Available now, starting at $995.

Digital Marketing Leaders Summit Sydney

If you’re literally on the other side of the world from all of these events, don’t despair. There’s something for everyone thanks to ForwardLeading. Though the company has its roots in the UK, their summits go as far afield as Boston, Hong Kong and (yes) Sydney. 

They boast a preference for “progressive and commercially-driven minds” among their guests and guest speakers. They also offer member benefits for those who want to join their community, one of which is an online platform for the development of leadership skills.

forward leading

The Sydney iteration of the conference will focus on helping markers to add new perspectives to their digital repertoires. Alongside confirmed presentations from marketing leaders at companies like The Heart Foundation, News Corp, and Woolworths, one-to-ones with digital craftspeople and workshops will be on offer to those in attendance.

There will also be a special focus on breaking into and expanding in the APAC digital market, and the specifics that delineate Australians and beyond from members of other demographics.  

Date: February 27th & 28th, 2019.

Tickets: On sale now, starting at A$999.

We strive to publish round ups of quality events for people in different careers as often as we can. If you’re interested, you can look back on our tech and design editions through those links. 

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