
Quick Tricks #15: Reveal how many tickets are left

If you’re new to Quick Tricks, this is our series of speedy tips to help you become a Tito power user.

Today’s trick highlights a nifty option you may not have spotted in Tito…

What? You can choose to display the number of remaining tickets available for an event, or even set it to display once it gets to a specific number, say 10 tickets left.

Conference ticket with label indicating 4 tickets are remaining
Conference ticket with label indicating 4 tickets are remaining

Why? By default this option is switched off, because most event organisers don’t want people to know exactly how many tickets are available, especially when the number is in the hundreds. But once there are only a few tickets left, it might pay to take advantage of what psychologists call the scarcity principle. This means that we “place a higher value on an object that is scarce, and a lower value on those that are in abundance”.

Essentially, if an attendee can see that there are just 10 tickets left, there’s more urgency to purchase because there’s a fear that you might miss out if someone else snaps those tickets up first.

How? Head to Customize > Homepage and scroll down to Homepage options. Now check the box that says “Show remaining tickets indicator”. If you like, you can also add a number to the “Ticket remaining indicator limit” field. If you leave this blank, then the number of remaining tickets will always be shown — but if you add a number here, Tito will only display the remaining tickets available, once it gets lower than this number.

Option in the Tito back-end to reveal number of remaining tickets
Option in the Tito back-end to reveal number of remaining tickets

Pro-tip: This also works with the Tito widget.

That’s it! Thanks for checking out this Quick Trick. Come back in two weeks for another. ?