Tito Lookup

With the addition of Murray to the engineering team earlier this year, and Bill also helping us out regularly, we are finally in a position to look at some of the longstanding features that have been hibernating in our development backlog.

The first one of these to see the light of day is Tito Lookup which allows anyone who has either placed an order in our system or had a ticket assigned to them retrieve their information.

Remember GDPR? Well this feature will also allow folks to look up not just tickets and receipts, but also any other information that is held in our database associated with your email address. It will also show contact details of the organiser and the data protection contact, if available.

It’s pretty simple to use: head over to https://lookup.tito.io and enter your email address. You’ll receive an email letting you know whether we have any related data stored, and if so you’ll get a link to a page with all the details. Something like this:

Lookup Example Data

For additional protection, we expire the links after 7 days.