Post new UI bug roundup round 2

  • decided to add a bit more personality to bug changelogs
  • because why not?
  • If you connected a payment option to your account and then created a ticket on an event, you’d get a silly message saying that you hadn’t connected a payment option, even though clearly you had. Now you get a nice hint to say that you need to hook it up.
  • For about a year, we’ve used the word “Survey” on one ticket edit screen and the phrase “Additional info” on another one. Nobody ever told us about this inconsistency until just recently. It has been rectified now.
  • The labels on the “Event Start Date” and “Event End Date” were ambiguous, leading to making users think. They have been disambiguated so users can think less.
  • Even though we’re based in Dublin, Ireland, Tito favours US-English as its development language, for many reasons, not least a host of US-based customers. Pending plans to introduce a British-English (rather) option, we have changed the word “organiser” to “organizer” (with an accent, but only when you say it) on our confirm page.
  • If you clicked on “Show question responses” on mobile, a dashboard would be shown, but there was no way to actually see the responses. We realise the irony of this, and apologise. It’s fixed now.
  • If you added someone manually, specified a price, and then tried to search for them, they did not appear. We modified the search to take account of this strange limbo state.
  • For the last 6 months, it’s been possible to optionally add a company name to an order. The same is now true of individual tickets. Now that we have a company name field on all of our top level objects, we are now enterprise ready.