
Changelog: Check It Out

  • ✨ Some tweaks, tidies and improvements to the UI and language around assigning tickets in the checkout. Hopefully this will make things clearer, but do let us know what you think via the button below. We’ve also added some documentation to give you a better idea of what happens when an order is placed: https://ti.to/docs/checkout
  • ? Fixed an inaccurate timezone indicator on the event homepage schedule section by removing it. We might bring it back at some point
  • ? Fixed an issue where you couldn’t log a refund in Tito after the payment gateway refund period had expired
  • ? Tidied up a couple of inconsistencies on the order confirmation email
  • ? Allow organisers to log refunds even if the time period for performaing a refund has passed
  • ? Fixed a bug where the attendee file uploader would silently fail when the size limit was exceeded
  • ? Fixed a couple of super embarrassing typos in the docs that we shall never mention again
  • ? Fixed a super weird edge case bug where the assign window wouldn’t pop up when it was supposed to
  • ? Doc’s favourite commit message of the week:
