3 Conferences for Leaders – An Event Round-Up
First rule of leadership: everything is your fault.
– A Bug’s Life
Everyone has different opinions about what leadership means, but anyone in a leadership position (if they’re doing it well) will tell you that they don’t usually have the luxury of thinking about it on a level any deeper than “I need to get this done.”
That said, a good leader takes heed and inspiration from those who have been successful in similar positions before them. One arena that facilitates this exchange of ideas particularly well is the humble conference.
This week, we’ll be looking at three such events tailored to the leaders in modern businesses:
Owner Summit 2019 | Austin
Conferences for leaders are hard to get right, not least because business owners and entrepreneurs hold themselves to a high standard, and those who provide services to them at yet a higher one.
Owner Summit won’t go into full swing until 2019 but, now in its fifth year, the hype has already begun. This year’s conference will focus on finance, legal aspects, new business strategies and “other mission-critical aspects” of building a business.
For proof of how qualified, quirky, and quietly confident the team behind the production are, you can find their podcast here.
Date: February 10th – 12th, 2019
Tickets: Available now, starting at $495 for a workshop day ticket
Impact Conference 2018
Guiding the direction of a business isn’t a remit limited to CEOs and MDs. One area (especially for modern businesses) that dictates the future success of a company, both in terms of market share and brand mission, is product.
Impact Conference has been designed specifically for those in product management and will take place in Budapest later this year.
Impact conference speakers and topics are curated and composed to be impactful and immediately applicable for folks already working as product professionals, and in a way that newcomers, or those simply curious about product management can also understand and learn quickly.
Date: October 29th – 31st, 2018
Tickets: Available now, starting at $300
National Leaders Conference
When you’re in a leadership position, it can be hard to find others who related to your specific, day-to-day tasks and industry. With a bit of research though, there’s almost always an event that can bring someone in that position together with like-minded folks.
Vineyard Churches’ National Leaders Conference may be niche, but is a shining example of how leaders in any industry can cater to their peers for a wonderful event experience. It’s described in their conference outline as “a time where [they] can come and be refreshed, encouraged, and inspired.”
For full details, you can visit the website here.
Date: January 29th-31st, 2018
Tickets: Available now, and starting at £50
Not a leader yet? Or maybe just not quite into the product or religious parts of the industry? We’ve created event round-ups on a huge array of topics, so you might prefer this rendition, or this one, or maybe this one.