Don't discount the ability to change orders

We've recently improved the ability to add a discount code to an existing order.

Source tracking

First, some background about source tracking. Source tracking allows you to keep track of where your orders are coming from and one way of linking a source to an order is via a discount code. Our customers often add a discount code to an existing order so that they can retrospectively link up the source.

We don't like surprises

It was a strange user experience though — apply a 10% discount to a $100 order and the order remained at $100. That's surprising and not in a good way. We've made it less surprising and more useful by updating the order total and receipt (where possible).

Orders not yet processed

If you add an attendee manually, or import an attendee, or someone buys a ticket with our private beta pay-by-invoice feature) then we do now have the opportunity to change the order value (and the invoice/receipt).

So now, if someone places an order and chooses pay-by-invoice you can retrospectively add a discount code and change the invoice to reflect that new value. You can do that before or after the invoice is marked as paid but it's your responsibility to refund the customer if they've already paid.

Zero value discounts

If the order has already been processed, like a regular Stripe or PayPal order for instance, then it's not possible to change the order value. We'd have to automatically issue a refund and that's not possible yet (but it's a good idea for a future improvement).

However, we can apply a discount that has zero value (e.g. 0% off). You could do that to link up source tracking.

Removing a discount code

You can now remove a discount code too. If it's a Stripe or PayPal order then you can only remove a zero value discount, but if it's a manual or pay-by-invoice order then you can remove any discount and update the invoice.

As always, please contact support if you have any questions about this or anything else.