
Design challenge: Date ranges

Simple to start

Date ranges are one of those simple things that get more complicated the more you dig into them. Let’s start simple:

1:00pm, April 30th, 2024 — 5:00pm, April 30th, 2024

That’s a bit of a mouthful. There’s no need to repeat everything.

1:00pm — 5:00pm, April 30th, 2024

And maybe we can make it easier to read by omitting the minutes when they are zero.

1pm — 5pm, April 30th, 2024

Do we need to repeat “pm”?

1 — 5pm, April 30th, 2024

Good. That’s concise and readable.


We already have some rules:

  • Put the times together if it’s all on one day
  • Omit the minutes if they are zero
  • Only mention the meridian once if it is the same for both the start and end time

What if it spans two days?

1pm, April 29th, 2024 — 5pm, April 30th, 2024

We don’t need to repeat "April" and "2024":

1pm, 29th — 5pm, April 30th, 2024

More rules

  • Only mention the year once if it’s the same for both
  • Same for month

And we cope with exceptions:

1pm, 31st December, 2024 — 5pm, 1st January, 2025

OK, we now have a system in place that copes with any date range but we need to consider the 24-hour clock which many locales prefer. We no longer have meridians but meridians do give us a clue about which part of the text relates to the time. For example, if we switch to 24-hour clock and have:

13 — 17, April 30th, 2024

It’s a bit confusing. Is that the 13th, 17th or 30th of April? We can add an “h” to make it clearer:

13h — 17h, April 30th, 2024

Or always mention the minutes?

13:00 — 17:00, April 30th, 2024

More rules

  • Add a suffix if using the 24-hour clock and omitting the minutes

What about translations for locales? For instance, let’s consider German:

13 — 17 Uhr, 1. Januar 2024

The day-month-year order has changed, the day takes a “.” suffix, we have the German word for January and we use the “Uhr” to reference the “hour” instead of "h".

More rules

  • Change everything if we're using a different locale
  • Make things concise but readable
  • Display information correctly no matter what language you prefer


Here at Tito, we’ve been wrangling date ranges for something like 12 years and we’re still trying to get it right.