Tito will be GDPR compliant by March
We got this.
Relax in the knowledge that our lawyers are making sure that our processes are running to GDPR standards.
The halcyon days of merely exchanging money for goods and services is all but a hazy memory. It’s hard to think of a time when you didn’t have to supply your personal details to complete a purchase.
Data has become a commodity and, as a result, some questionable approaches to data collection have arisen in recent years. The desire to know more about a person has, at times, crept into the invasive.
GDPR is closing in on these dubious practices by bringing transparency and express consent to the forefront. GDPR strives to protect the personal data of its EU citizens. It puts the onus on a business or organisation to make sure that they have in place a system that is GDPR compliant.
From a conference organiser’s point of view, it means that you will have to review the way that you collect, process, and protect your attendees’ data. No matter where you are in the world, GDPR will affect you if you host conferences in the EU. If you’re established in the EU, then GDPR applies to all of your events worldwide. This is the case even if your conference is free.
Team Tito’s Stance on Privacy
Privacy is something that we take very seriously at Tito. We always have.
If an organiser uses Tito for their event, that event data is theirs, and theirs only.
We have never bought lists of potential leads, as it never sat well with our moral compass. We never insist on an organiser’s email list as a prerequisite to sponsorship. The only emails we send out are what you would expect to get as a user of Tito.
We’re working alongside a legal team to ensure that we’ll be fully GDPR compliant with a deadline for ourselves ahead of the May cut-off point, and in accordance with these beliefs.
When a third party gets their hands on your information without your consent and then starts flooding your inbox with marketing emails, it crosses an ethical line that we don’t want to be anywhere near. It’s also really annoying to be bombarded with emails from strangers addressing you by your first name.
Further Reading
It’s understandable if the subject area feels daunting. Let’s be honest: if legalese language was a person they would be no fun at a party. The tone of the majority of the information out there is alarmist and the language is overly complicated, which is counterintuitive to educating someone. We promise not to scare you — we’re here to help.