
The Most Inspiring Event Round Up (probably)

Each Friday on the Tito blog, we showcase some 3(-ish) notable customers. Below, I’ve picked some events run by those customers, all of which are focused on inspiring their attendees.

Inspiration comes in many forms, but almost never when the person looking for it goes looking for it.

So, without further ado, I hope that one or more might give you the revelation you want:

Meaning 2018

If the concept of a “sustainable, equitable, and humane world” isn’t an aspiration of yours, what on earth do you want?

Meaning conf logo

This is the foundation Meaning (and, perhaps meaning without the capital letter) is built on. What they’ve built off this premise is a conference all about the future of work, business, and future-proofing the best versions of both of those.

If you’re into alternative approaches to solving global issues, this is for you.

Plus look at how nice their lunch seems: 

Meaning conf lunch

Date: 15th November, 2018.
Tickets: Available now.

Daniel Steinberg’s Programming with Swift

Daniel comes highly recommended from Paul who invited him to speak at Úll this year. 

Admitting to a conflict talented people usually have to face at some point or another, Daniel speaks to how hard it is to find a way to focus when you have a lot of disparate interest. The common denominator he settled on?


While this may come from a place of partial bias (I’m a graduate of a BA in stories, essentially), good storytelling is one, if not the, more inspiring way to communicate.

Daniel will be using these stories to educate at workshops on Swift he’ll be hosting in mid-December.

Dates: December 18th-20th, 2018.
Tickets: Available now.

Revolve Conf

Revolve is a culmination of the inventive aspects of business. Self-described as “where design and creativity meets marketing and strategy,” the conference will feature presentations from Nicole Cendrowski, Ben Callahan, and Angela Chitkara.

 Revolve Conf

And, in one of the most charming sells I’ve seen, when asked,

“Why attend?” they respond with,
“Why not?”

Dates: October 24th-26th, 2018.
Tickets: Available now.

For more info on upcoming events, here’s something to click: