
Who Will Market to Marketing? – Event Round-Up

This week on Tito, I wanted to feature some conferences that are particularly close to my heart and, by proxy, my career: the events that are made specifically for marketers. 

As you might have guessed from previous posts like this, we work with quite a passionate and diverse bunch of customers.

One of the joys of marketing is the experimentation of it. Our discipline is half creativity and half science, which means that we have the pleasure of constantly trying new things to find out what the best way to communicate with potential new customers is. 

With that in mind, I wanted to share with you some of the different ways that our customers are showcasing new and exciting marketing methods with their attendees:

Youth Marketing Strategy NYC

Hosted by Voxburner, this event aims to share insight into how marketers can authentically engage with young people.

Astronomically large brands from Spotify, to the NBA, to Gatorade have attended previous iterations of the event, and this year will be no exception. 

Youth Marketing

Image Source: YMS via Voxburner

Tickets will be available here, but if you want a taster of how this year’s event went down before investing in the 2018 version, you can check out highlights from their YouTube channel.

Date: TBD

Pause Fest

While not an event exclusively on marketing, Pause Fest lends quite a bit of its time to the topic, as well as several others that are directly related. 

Pause Fest

Image Source: Pause Fest

Over the course of three days, this conference will cover diversity, branding, leadership and social good all from the comfort of the heart of Melbourne.

They’re also doing a 3D printed breakfast to start your day as it promises to continue, with innovation and surprises. 

Dates: February 7th-11th, 2018

Emotion Sells: The Workshop

Hosted by Learn Inbound and the incomparable Mark Scully, this workshop will focus on the power of emotive copy in the world of online conversions.

The educator for the evening will be Talia Wolf, a multi-accolade-winning conversion rate optimizer. 

learn inbound

Image Source: Learn Inbound

As well as written persuasion, the workshop will focus on colour psychology, landing page strategy, and email best practices.

Date: November 17th, 2017

Marketing To 

This conference, hosted by Tech Toronto, might give you a bit of deja vu. This year’s iteration of this wrapped up on Wednesday this week.

marketing to-1.png

Image Source: Tech Toronto

The event is one about the interdisciplinary aspects of marketing. Specifically, speakers and workshops focused on the collisions and collaborations that take place between the worlds of advertising, marketing and technology.

The most recent speakers included the former Managing Director of Twitter Canada and EVP of Cossette.

For the best value, you’re in a wonderful position to get Early Bird access to January’s version of the event.

Date: January 17, 2018

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