Improvements to Test Mode
We've always allowed you to put through test orders on your event so you can check that everything is set up exactly how you want.
We also allow you to keep your event in draft and only go live when you want the public to see it.
We're deploying a change today to make that simpler.
- No more switching test mode on or off
- Local test mode isn't needed any more
- Avoid the risk of putting your event live and forgetting to switch test mode off
Public homepage
This is always what the public will see. If your event is in draft then they will see a message asking them to come back later. If it's live then they see the normal event homepage and can use it to buy real tickets. No change here.
Test mode homepage
Regardless of whether your event is draft or live, this new page allows you to buy test tickets. It's on a secret URL that you can share with the rest of the organizing team. It means you can test out changes even after your event has gone live. The URL will look something like this:
(not a real URL)
You can regenerate that URL whenever you want.
Test data
You can toggle whether you are viewing test data or real data right in the dashboard. Changing what you are looking at doesn't change anything for the public or what other users in the organizing team see.
Test mode and existing events
There are some existing events that are live but have test mode switched on and some that are draft but have test mode switched off. If that is one of your events then you will see a warning message and a prompt to fix that.
Sometime in the next few weeks we will automatically switch test mode off for all live events and on for all draft events.
We love making Tito simpler to use. If you have any questions about test mode works then please get in touch.