Tito Changelog: April to June 2024
The main highlight from this quarter is our new beta Activity Groups feature, which is perfect for allowing attendees to select from different workshops and other options included with their ticket. This is an often-requested feature and we're over the moon to have finally built it!
We've also made it so that calendar invitations now get accepted automatically, and we've made a slew of usability and accessibility improvements.
For a full list of what we've shipped over the last 3 months, read on…
- Fix for serving apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association for Stripe connections
- Fix Google calendar integration
- Update humans.txt
- Display a validation error instead of failing silently if someone enters a donation amount with a currency symbol or comma as a decimal separator
- Update French translations
- Don't make 3rd party email field mandatory in Data Protection settings
- Fix CSS for account timeline
- Introduce Option kind of activity in preparation for activity groups feature
- Let organisers give people a list of optional activities to choose from using activity groups
- Cope with multiple activities per ticket in export
- Don't hide questions on edit attendee form when the activity groups feature is not enabled
- If an option activity has chosen tickets already display warning if changing kind to automatic and block if changing to internal
- Hook up activity counters to take activities chosen from activity groups into account
- Checkout UI improvements
- Fix release title font size bug
- Style activity groups in Checkout UI
- Make sure attached optional activities are preselected when opening the edit activity group form
- Ensure payment instructions appear below the payment instruction heading in invoice
- Let organisers set a default question order
- Replace Boaty McBoatface placeholder name with Jane Smyth (it wasn't going to stay topical forever!)
- Improve check-in app instructions
- Fix payment type for invoice orders
- Upgrades shouldn't disappear from the list if you change the locale of your event
- Add chosen activities to calendars
- 24-hour clock for German locale
- Fix date range in Slovak locale
- Don't fall over if the subject of a message is nil
- The reassign ticket button should have type 'button', otherwise the form is submitted when enter key is pressed
- Fix building the dashboard image on CI
- Remove the
webhook and update API docs - Move the integration tests to system tests
- Allow the system tests to be run locally using a remote selenium image
- Ensure validation errors display on globalized textarea fields
- Remove ability to go live from Settings > Basics section and ensure consistent behaviour when going live via Go Live page and via API request
- Date fixes for Irish locale
- Pass order metadata to Stripe
- Make sure
variable is available in message subject - Let organisers attach questions to optional activities
- Let organisers set a custom Invoice Label setting in Settings > Invoicing
- Add close button to the modal for joining a waiting list
- The event timeline uses the incorrect host name when linking to event homepages
- Checkout accessibility audit
- Set page titles for all pages
- Set the lang attribute on the html element to either en or the event locale requested
- Allow zooming on mobile
- Fix the heading levels throughout checkout to be consistent and ordered
- Ensure the password required field has an associated label and fix the button styling
- Add alt text for the google map and ticket qr code
- Adjust the colours to use accessible colours from our colour palette
- Adjust the widget grey on the widget so that links on headings pass colour contrast checks
- Update the accessibility statement date on the design guide
- Bold the organiser terms link in the data consent statement to pass link contrast accessibility checks
- Fix the question field ids so they are attached to the labels correctly
- Set the role correctly for the widget modal
- Add missing discernible text for the close cross on the modal
- Fix landmarks throughout the widget
- Add discernible text for screen readers for the sharing links
- Add discernible text for screen readers for the decrease and increase quantity buttons
- Missing alt text on event images on event homepage
- Ensure colour contrast passes for sold out releases on event homepage
- Ensure colour contrast passes for expired releases on event homepage
- Use the correct green for the discount code submit button.
- Remove $clrs-grey and $clrs-green as they aren't required anymore.
- Add date filters to account tickets plus export so it can be exported in batches if a particular account has a large number of tickets
- Remove the escape key shortcut for closing the widget without warning
- Auto-add calendar invitations in ticket emails
- Add disclosure triangles to activity groups
- Mark unanswered required questions in red and jump to top to show error message
- Ensure we give an error message when the incorrect association parameter is given via the API
- Tidy up how we organise error classes in Tito and respond to them
- Ticket screen tidy
- Fix close button layout bug
- Update Notes from the organiser to be sentence case not title case to match the rest of the UI
- Redeemed RSVP fix
- Fix Incorrect interpolation key in Czech translation for
- Show Italian checkout fields in webhooks
- Add a
label to custom exports