
Tito Changelog: July to September 2023



  • Don't crash connecting Stripe if Apple Pay is not supported e.g. in India
  • Update the event homepage banner help text to better suit the new design
  • Catch more invalid emails
  • Fix cache using :all lookup mode unexpectedly which was preventing tickets from becoming immediately unlocked after an order was cancelled by the customer
  • Fix for event logo distortion in Safari
  • Upgrade chart.js and adjust dashboard graph so Visitors isn't hidden behind Page Views
  • Improve error message that appears when the tickets you selected are unavailable
  • Fix 404 on ticket settings URL
  • Let people filter waitlisted people by release
  • Cope better with duplicate emails in a message
  • Let people link to their own website from PDF tickets
  • Ensure correct lookup mode used when finishing free orders, reassigning tickets, choosing upgrades and processing orders in background
  • Remove N+1 query causing tax types endpoint to have 10+ second load times
  • Add targeted feature to allow people to load their event homepage in an iframe
  • Make sure searching for tickets with answers to a country field question works
  • Only return answers to questions which are still attached to prevent error loading ticket
  • Ensure discount codes get locked for orders with zero value discount codes too
  • Make sure ticket numbers use separate sequences for live and test mode
  • Display the unit price instead of the subtotal for upgrades in the order summary for consistency
  • Ensure Show.vue components are accessible
  • Modify colours to have better colour contrast
  • Fix incorrect html to be semantically accessible
  • Fix heading order and landmarks in Show.vue views
  • Don't set the ticket state to complete or incomplete if it should be unassigned
  • Adjust API docs writer to handle the way debug attributes are now prefixed with debug


  • Create an Oauth App for 8bytes to use for Badgy



  • A new Test Mode
  • On the event homepage always show venues
  • On the event homepage don't show Mastodon links as emails (bonus: Tiktok!)
  • Better import matching
  • Don't show the default blank slate if there are cancelled orders
  • If Polish National Bank hasn't published rates for a day, try find rates from three previous days
  • Only link to previous messages if they've been sent
  • Let people include ticket questions responses and ticket tags in messages for incomplete tickets too
  • On the event homepage make sure the images in additional info are responsive
  • Add caching to the checkout event homepage
  • Fix for opt-in permissions for moderator teams
  • Don't allow double-clicks on the 'Perform import' button to prevent errors
  • Improvements to reports
  • Add accessibility test matcher
  • Add automated accessibility tests for majority of dashboard except forms and show pages
  • Add internal design guide
  • Fix accessibility issues for majority of dashboard except forms and show pages
  • When duplicating an event make sure combo releases are duplicated too


  • Display errors on the change email/change password forms in red so they can be easily seen


  • Add paper trail to account so we know when things like country and vat rate were changed



  • Explain that turning on test mode won't work if you are using the widget, you need the test mode widget plugin instead
  • Don't escape negative numbers such as '-3.14' in exports
  • Simpler way of prefilling attributes
  • Let organisers decide if attendee cancelled tickets should go back on sale
  • Add VAT number to custom export for orders
  • Enable the new Customizer in dashboard
  • Fix re-inviting team members
  • Search by receipt number
  • Add translation for unassigned on direct ticket pages
  • If people are using invoices or PayPal Express explain that they need to attach their card or update it if it is expired
  • Make sure to return the success message translation for the default locale too
  • Default new events to new homepage design
  • Improve time zone list
  • Include order address fields in the check-ins export
  • Add support for Stripe countries which don't support application fees e.g. Mexico and Malaysia
  • Remove the ability to switch to the older Customizer
  • Add Swahili locale
  • Display a validation error instead of crashing if we can't interpret the refund amount
  • Don't delete a release if it is linked to line items
  • Remove the ability to change back to the legacy homepage
  • Make custom_heading_highlight_color available to all


  • Make sure notes from the organiser display on the registration finished screen
  • Add Swahili locale