Tito Changelog: July to September 2024
The bulk of our time on Tito the last couple of months has been spent working on a new feature to give organisers more fine-grain control over the registration flow…but we're not quite ready to announce that yet.
So, in the meantime, here are the improvements and bug fixes we've shipped over the last while.
Make sure original query params are preserved when initialising the widget
Fix Open Graph meta tags for LinkedIn
Add test flow redirect for PayPal Platform payments
Link to help article in Opt-ins blank state
Ensure "View on PayPal" link doesn't appear on test mode transactions
Get New Taiwan Dollar payments working on Paypal Platform
Allow people to manually set which events the widget can load when they are using the widget JS without any tags
Let organisers enable account level invoice numbering and specify an offset to start off with
Add warning if the widget event doesn't specify both an account and an event
Fetch list of events to duplicate with pagination so it will handle more than a 1000
Watch for when Stripe js is loaded and, when it is, load the Stripe Payment Element
Enable the test mode plugin inside iframes so test mode works when running the widget in iframe mode
Disable collection of shipping address on PayPal Platform for new events
Include a 'None' option when an activity group allows between 0 and 1 optional activities to be selected
Dependency updates
Don't insert HTML tags by rendering markdown in plaintext emails
Adjust associations for new Rails 6.1 default of required instead of optional
Delay loading Stripe payment element to try fix issue loading when widget is in iframe mode
Change help text for upcoming tickets to clarify that you need to put ticket on sale
Only mark an activity group as required if it has a minimum number of selections set
Add "What's new" to Help dropdown and link to Changelog posts
Don't allow tax rulesets to be deleted if they are attached to any releases
Update locked tickets warning style
No longer store the `html_body` in the version history of Messages to improve performance
Remove unused :banner_link and :external_order_reference_format features
Responsive fix for event homepage
Ensure supercombo tickets are correctly translated in checkout
Improve attendee imports and questions
Restrict event homepage if email address is not confirmed
bug affecting accounts with account level invoicing enabled -
Update add company name translation to be more consistent in German
Add missing columns to discount codes export
Cap max included emails on messages to 500 to improve performance
Allow duplication of discount codes
Store a paper trail when archiving all past events in one go
If a native HTML bookmark link is clicked cancel Vue router navigation
Exclude the :tito parameter when preserving original query params with the widget to prevent close button issues
Show unanswered questions and activity groups on checkout tickets show view
When an order has already been cancelled, display an order cancelled modal
Reveal state and postal code fields in Edit order form by default