2018/19 Investment Events – A Round-Up
This week, 402 Democrats and Republicans passed 32 bills intended to make it cheaper and easier for small businesses and startups to access capital and investment.
The bills have yet to pass through the Senate (though only four members of the upper house opposed them), but this move reflects the near-comprehensive global support of helping smaller businesses to scale over the last few years.
While this is something that entrepreneurs should welcome, for some, finding investment and scaling the funding they already have are strategies that business owners look for expert help from people within their industries as well.
This week, we’ll be highlighting three international investment events taking place this year and next year whose agendas are set to help individuals optimise their financial health and, with a bit of luck, take some of the stress off:
Rethink! Corporate Finance
We.Conect‘s mission statement states that it “accompanies decision-makers in mastering business-critical and highly complex change processes over the long-term.”
They put on a host of conferences each year to help empower those decision makers and, among them, is the 2018 edition of their investment event: Rethink! Corporate Finance.
Hosted over two and a half days in Hamburg, the event caters towards CFOs and financial decision makers. As well as talking about trends in investment strategy, there will also be talks and discussions for attendees on the topics of innovative technologies, big data, and more general corporate financing.
For further details, you can visit their ticket page here.
Dates: April 7th-9th, 2019.
Tickets: Available now. Options include a general conference ticket, networking passes, and premium passes.
FP&A Innovation Summit
The role of someone working within FP&A (or financial planning & analysis, for those of us not in-the-know) is pretty varied. The Corporate Finance Institute have done their best to explain the responsbilities of someone in this kind of a role in this chart:
But, as you can see, that’s a lot to have on your plate.
In the name of efficiency for this role, and learning new techniques to optimise the tasks taken on by people at this level of corporate finance, Innovation Enterprise host multiple events a year in different cities around the world dedicated to FP&A.
This September, they’ll be hosting their flagship edition in Boston, Massachusetts. Some of the biggest names in digital and traditional commerce will be sharing their insights including the Global Director of Finance for Spotify, the VP of Finance for Monster, and the Innovation Executive for GE Digital.
Date: September 12th – 13th, 2018.
Tickets: Available now on the Innovation Enterprise website.
EBAN Luxembourg Winter Summit, 2018
EBAN Winter Summit is the leading European initiative that highlights the most impactful best practices, presents and debates the most relevant topics in the early stage investment sector, and gathers a community highly committed to investing in European startups.
EBAN itself is the pan-European representative for early stage investors, gathering over 150 member organizations in more than 50 countries.
Alongside the summit, there’s also a gala dinner on offer to allow attendees to rub shoulders with some of the most experienced investors on the continent. The event will take place amid the stunning surrounds of Luxembourg City.
Dates: October 22nd – 23rd, 2018.
Tickets: Available now for the summit, gala, or both.
If you’re more interested in subjects other than those covered at these investment events, you can check out previous editions of this round-up about social good, leadership, or software development.