4 of the Best GDPR Status Pages: Copy & Design
If your birthday’s on the 25th of May, a lot of people are going to ignore you.
It’s D-Day for GDPR, and every single business that trades in the EU will need to be in line with the regulations by that date, so they’ll be pretty busy. Sorry, folks.
Unfortunately, even when you get compliant, it’s difficult for your customers and potential customers to know that you’re ready for the GDPR.
And, doubly unfortunately, there’s been some scaremongering around the subject, and a lot of people are weary that they don’t want to be in cahoots with businesses who aren’t ready for the changes.
(If you’re looking for some more event-specific GDPR guidance, you can check out this resource.)
To inform your strategy from a marketing point of view, I wanted to share 4 examples of GDPR status pages and assets that show different, effective ways to explain what you’re doing to protect your customers’ and users’ data, and to set outsiders’ minds at ease:
This page reinforces a brand value they’ve always held – Zoho will never use ads, and never have. This shows that a) they have respect for their customers’ data privacy because they don’t use them for retargeting in the background and b) that they have the kind of business acumen and product legacy that means they can promote themselves and bring on new business without needing to be intrusive or aggravating.
Anyone who’s every played Candy Crush (or any game with micro-transactions, I won’t discriminate) knows how, post-purchase, interruptions can be off-putting. Zoho’s commitment pre- and post-purchase is a signifier for how they value their clients’ time, and this is expressed on their GDPR status page clearly and adamantly.
Dropbox do have another GDPR page, but the one linked above is their more comprehensive resource when it comes to their own process.
A 7-page pdf (hosted on a Dropbox account; a nice touch) outlines that they started preparing for GDPR in 2016; leagues beyond the majority of companies at their scale.
The illustrations included could have believably been drawn in crayon, but they add so much vibrancy to the otherwise dusty subject of the law that they’re a comfort in themselves.
Further to this, they outline their evaluation process in a comprehensive way, and include details of how they accomplished this across teams.
A shining example.
The most logical, layman’s term description of what position their data is in that I’ve seen from any organisation so far.
Leadiro uses 5 bullet points to get across what it takes certain publishers 71336734r2 pages to imply. (Though, kudos to the others for at least being comprehensive.)
As a confidence booster, they also use direct quotes and picture attributions to some of their customers at the bottom of the page to provide testimonials on their commitment to solving for their users.
As well as reiterating their security standards, they took the opportunity to showcase their users’ satisfaction with their product.
Intercity are storytellers – they go through their learnings from implementation to a journalistic recollection of what was required of their team during the GDPR process. Anyone trying to make their GDPR journey more linear can learn by example here.
They’re also ahead of the curve, as the post date (six months ago) showcases.
For further reading, they’ve categorised all of their content relevant to GDPR and linked it at the end of the post so that any visitors can peruse their other learnings if they’d like more information.
Between anecdotal and specific sections, Intercity pulls of the fine balance required to keep GDPR-interested folks awake and educated.
Where’s Tito on This List?
If you’re curious, you can find the Tito GDPR status post here.
We opted for a blog post to enlighten our customers and readers that we’re on the journey, and to be transparent that we’re not there yet, but we will be.
It important to note that each of these examples is going beyond simply saying that the company is “taking GDPR very seriously” – GDPR’s not exactly a laugh riot, so that’s not a huge stretch of corporate commitment. Rather, they outline their timely and measurable steps towards enacting compliance.
If you’re considering GDPR and its implications for your event or conference, we have created some comprehensive guidance on that subject in finer detail.
You can find that document below: