Personal Development Goals for 2018 – 3 Events For Inspiration
January’s coming to a close and, whether you’re still writing “2017” on your to-do lists, or you’re at the point of successfully completing #veganuary, it’s worth taking the time to reflect on your goals and how you’re working towards them.
Here at Tito, we’re working tooth-and-nail at the minute on implementing projects that we hope will help our current and future customers towards their personal goals in 2018 and beyond.
Personal development goals are the seeds that grow into successful events a lot of the time. Nothing an organiser puts on is every accomplished successfully without passion. So, with that in mind, here are three events that we’re so greatful to work with that help people to become better versions of themselves:
Be a Brilliant Developer
White October Events are one of those organisations that people associate with being a guiding force in their field, and for good reason. They’re the team behind a number of events that have empowered many people.
In April, with Meri Williams at the helm, White October are hosting a workshop on developing your developer methods. (I know, who will watch the Watchmen, right?)
Over the course of the day, they’ll be providing proven strategies for motivating yourself, coaching, mentoring, managing, leading and giving feedback.
Tickets are on sale now.
Date: April 13th, 2018.
Creative Writing Retreat, Hida – Feat. Leslie Fierro
This project pulled at my heartstrings.
As a former student of creative writing, and a person who raised with the questional moral compass implanted in me by seven seasons of Dragonball Z, the idea of a writing retreat in the depths of Japan is titilating.
Led by American writer Leslie Fierro, the retreat will focus on the Amherst Writers and Artists Method and promises to be an unforgettable, enlightening trip.
Tickets are on sale now.
Dates: March 22nd-25th, 2018.
beCP March Camp
Team Tito is many things, but I don’t think any of us speak Dutch, so I’m sorry that I can’t translate this to cater to all Belgians, but hopefully English does it justice.
In the village of Wépion in Belgium, 17 young computer scientists will join together to focus on advanced exercises in competitive programming.
The camp aims to provide the highest level of training in these skills as possible and will be facilitated by two coaches.
Dates: March 9th-11th, 2018.
For more events to inspire you, even beyond your life’s aims, you can subscribe to updates like this below: