
We’d love to have you at our inaugural workshop!

We have a beautiful product that makes organising an event easy. We take a lot of pride in what we do because we care about giving organisers and their attendees a delightful experience.

There is a lot of depth to Tito, in some ways we’re a lot like In-N-Out Burger. Bear with me on this. There is so much that you can do with our product, but not everyone knows of all of it’s capabilities.

We want to help our customers become power users of Tito; to get the most value out of the Tito tools, and to help make their events successful in any way we can. That’s why we have created our first half-day workshop. It will take place on Thursday the 21st of March in Tito HQ in Dublin, and we still have some seats left.

For full details about the running order of the day, you can visit the event page here.

Vicky, who heads up our customer experience, will teach you about:

  1. Our embeddable widget,
  2. Our GDPR compliance features and,
  3. Some general hints and tips to help you get the most out of Tito.

We’ll also have a Q&A session for those who have specific questions about their events. This is a great opportunity to see if your event is getting the most from Tito from our resident expert and all-round good person.

We’ll provide some coffee and tea plus breakfast snacks in the morning. We hope you can make it!