Save 15% on Tito fees with an annual plan
I want to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year and thank you so much for using Tito.
2023 was an exciting year!
Tito saw a bunch of improvements:
- A partnership with Badgy for on-site badge printing and lead-capture
- vCard QR codes that contain contact info for very lightweight lead-capture
- Custom exports for defining export templates and getting only the data you want
- I wrote about our secret Salesforce integration
- Integrating the Stripe Payment Element to open up support new payment options
- A new event homepage design
- An event-listing widget
- Improvements in how test mode works
- A whole bunch of accessibility improvements
- We made it easier to add times to events
- Waiting list notifications
- Account-level attendee export
Occasionally customers ask us whether there are discounted fees available. We do sometimes offer a discount in return for payment-in-advance. Up until now, this has only been available on an ad-hoc basis, but today we’re giving you the ability to pay a year in advance in exchange for a 15% reduction in fees.
If you’d like to do that, simply:
- Head to https://billing.tito.io
- Click on your account name
- Add a payment card to your account if there isn’t one already
- Click "Subscribe"
Thanks again for your support, your custom and obvious tenacity in organising wonderful events.