
Quick Tricks #11: Add custom messages to tickets

Quick Tricks is our series of tips you can action in minutes to improve your event experience for attendees.

What? In this post we’ll show you how easy it is to add custom messages to your tickets which appear in multiple places throughout the booking process.

Why? Messages like this allow you to add a “Note from the organiser” that appears on the confirmation screen when people register tickets, and also in the email to attendees and on the PDF ticket itself.

This allows you to add extra information like pre-event instructions, extra venue information, details about how to get in touch with you, a thank you for registering — really, anything you like. 

The message appears in four different places, making it a great way to highlight critical information. We recommend keeping it short though, to make sure people actually read it!

Here’s what the custom message looks like to the attendee in the various places it appears:

On the confirmation screen when they register

Custom message on the confirmation screen as part of the checkout process
Custom message on the confirmation screen as part of the checkout process

On their ticket link

Custom message displayed on the Tito ticket
Custom message displayed on the Tito ticket

On their PDF ticket

Tito PDF ticket
Custom message on the Tito PDF ticket

In their confirmation email

Custom message in the automatic confirmation email
Custom message in the automatic confirmation email

How? It couldn’t be easier. Simply head to the Tickets section, select the ticket you wish to add a custom message to, and scroll down on the right-hand side to where it says Custom message. Add one, save, and you’re done!

You can use Markdown to add custom formatting.

Custom message field at ticket level in Tito
Custom message field at ticket level in Tito

I hope you enjoyed this Quick Trick. We have a lot more where this came from, so stay tuned!

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